Drug Interactions from The Medical Letter for Site Licenses

Drug Interactions from The Medical Letter for Site Licenses

Drug Interactions from The Medical Letter provides users with an unbiased resource to quickly search and find potentially life-threatening interactions between drugs. Some features of this continuously updated, interactive online database include:
  • Over 50,000 detailed drug-drug and drug-herb interaction monographs
  • Significance ratings – all interactions are ranked by seriousness and need for intervention
  • A detailed discussion of the evidence supporting the potential interaction and an explanation of the mechanism by which the interaction occurs
  • Detailed recommendations about how best to avoid or manage potential interactions
  • Information about related drugs – easily find out whether or not other drugs in the same class, or drugs used for the same indication, would interact in a similar way
  • References that support the evidence are provided within each monograph
ISSN 2766-0478 (online)
For more information about access and pricing, please ask your Site License Administrator to contact The Medical Letter Site License Sales at elaine@medicalletter.org.