Search Results for "insulin"
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Searched for insulin. Results 21 to 30 of 147 total matches.
Metformin for Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • May 12, 1995 (Issue 948)
Metformin for Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus ...
Metformin (Glucophage - Bristol-Myers Squibb), a hypoglycemic agent, was recently marketed in the USA for oral treatment of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) not adequately controlled by diet alone. Previously marketed in more than ninety countries, including Canada, metformin (dimethylbiguanide) is chemically related to phenformin (phenylethylbiguanide), which was withdrawn from the US market in 1976 because it caused a high incidence of lactic acidosis. In approving metformin, the US Food and Drug Administration stipulated that a post-marketing controlled...
Minimed 670G: A Hybrid Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery System
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Nov 21, 2016 (Issue 1508)
Minimed 670G: A Hybrid Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery System ...
The FDA has approved the Minimed 670G (Medtronic),
a hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system for use in
patients ≥14 years old with type 1 diabetes. The system
uses an algorithm to automatically adjust basal insulin
doses based on readings from a continuous glucose
monitor (CGM). It fully automates basal insulin
delivery in "auto" mode, but is considered a "hybrid"
system (not a true "artificial pancreas") because it
requires some action by the patient. The 670G system
is expected to become available in Spring 2017.
In Brief: Another Insulin Lispro (Admelog) for Diabetes (online only)
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Jun 18, 2018 (Issue 1549)
In Brief: Another Insulin Lispro (Admelog) for Diabetes (online only) ...
The FDA has approved Admelog (Sanofi-Aventis), an insulin lispro product similar to Humalog (Lilly), which went off patent in 2013.Approval of Admelog was based on efficacy data with Humalog and on two 6-month, open-label, randomized, noninferiority trials. In SORELLA 11 in 507 patients with type 1 diabetes and SORELLA 22 in 505 patients with type 2 diabetes, Admelog was noninferior to Humalog in lowering A1C, fasting plasma glucose levels, and self-monitored plasma glucose levels. The incidence of adverse effects, including hypoglycemia, was similar.Even though Admelog is very similar to...
In Brief: Rezvoglar - Another Insulin Glargine Product Interchangeable with Lantus
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Apr 03, 2023 (Issue 1673)
In Brief: Rezvoglar - Another Insulin Glargine Product Interchangeable with Lantus ...
Insulin glargine-aglr (Rezvoglar – Lilly), which was
approved by the FDA as a biosimilar to the reference
product Lantus in 2021 and received interchangeability
status with Lantus in 2022, will become available in
the US on April 1, 2023. It is the second biosimilar
insulin product to be designated as interchangeable
with Lantus; Semglee was the first. Rezvoglar did not
receive interchangeability status with Lantus at the
time of its initial approval because the manufacturer
of Semglee had exclusivity for 12 months.
Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2023 Apr 3;65(1673):56 doi:10.58347/tml.2023.1673c | Show Introduction Hide Introduction
Corrections: Drugs for Diabetes & Another Insulin Glargine (Basaglar) for Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Jan 30, 2017 (Issue 1513)
Corrections: Drugs for Diabetes & Another Insulin Glargine (Basaglar) for Diabetes ...
Drugs for Diabetes (Med Lett Drugs Ther 2017; 59:9)In the 4th paragraph of the GLP-1 receptor agonists section, we mistakenly stated that Xultophy 100/3.6 is a combination of insulin degludec and albiglutide; Xultophy 100/3.6 is a combination of insulin degludec and liraglutide.Another Insulin Glargine (Basaglar) for Diabetes (Med Lett Drugs Ther 2017; 59:3)In the Dosage and Administration section, we removed the word "syringe" to describe Basaglar's KwikPen device. Basaglar is not available as a prefilled syringe; it is only available as a KwikPen.Download complete U.S. English...
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 for Severe Growth Failure
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • May 20, 2007 (Issue 1261)
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 for Severe Growth Failure ...
Mecasermin (Increlex - Tercica), which is injected subcutaneously, has been approved by the FDA for treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) deficiency. Mecasermin is recombinant human (rh) IGF-1. It has also been approved to treat children with short stature who are deficient in growth hormone (GH), but have developed neutralizing antibodies in response to GH treatment. A similar product, mecasermin rinfabate (Iplex - Insmed), that was approved by the FDA for the same indications was withdrawn from the market due to patent...
MiniMed 530G: An Insulin Pump with Low-Glucose Suspend Automation
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Dec 09, 2013 (Issue 1431)
MiniMed 530G: An Insulin Pump with Low-Glucose Suspend Automation ...
The FDA has approved the MiniMed 530G
(Medtronic), an insulin pump used in combination with
a continuous glucose monitoring sensor (Enlite) that
can stop delivery of insulin when interstitial glucose
reaches a prespecified low level. It is the only sensoraugmented
insulin pump available in the US with this
Expanded Table: Some Available Insulins for Type 2 Diabetes (online only)
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • May 06, 2019 (Issue 1571)
Expanded Table: Some Available Insulins for Type 2 Diabetes (online only) ...
View the Expanded Table: Some Available Insulins
Insulin Degludec/Liraglutide (Xultophy 100/3.6) for Type 2 Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Sep 11, 2017 (Issue 1529)
Insulin Degludec/Liraglutide (Xultophy 100/3.6) for Type 2 Diabetes ...
The FDA has approved Xultophy 100/3.6 (Novo
Nordisk), a fixed-ratio combination of insulin
degludec and the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1)
receptor agonist liraglutide, for once-daily treatment
of adults with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled
on basal insulin (<50 units daily) or liraglutide (≤1.8
mg daily).
Lixisenatide for Type 2 Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Jan 30, 2017 (Issue 1513)
) and in a
fixed-ratio combination with insulin glargine (Soliqua
100/33). Lixisenatide has been available since ...
The FDA has approved lixisenatide (Sanofi), a short-acting
injectable GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1)
receptor agonist, for once-daily treatment of adults
with type 2 diabetes, both alone (Adlyxin) and in a
fixed-ratio combination with insulin glargine (Soliqua
100/33). Lixisenatide has been available since 2013 in
many other countries as Lyxumia. It is the fifth GLP-1
receptor agonist to be approved in the US.