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Searched for insulin. Results 1 to 10 of 25 total matches.
Lyumjev - A New Insulin Lispro for Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Oct 19, 2020 (Issue 1609)
Lyumjev - A New Insulin Lispro for Diabetes ...
The FDA has approved insulin lispro-aabc (Lyumjev –
Lilly), a faster-acting formulation of insulin lispro
(Humalog), for treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
in adults. Fiasp, a faster-acting formulation of insulin
aspart (Novolog), was approved in 2017.
In Brief: Semglee - A New Insulin Glargine for Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Jan 25, 2021 (Issue 1616)
In Brief: Semglee - A New Insulin Glargine for Diabetes ...
The FDA has approved Semglee (Mylan), an insulin
glargine product similar to Lantus, for treatment of
type 1 diabetes in children and adults and type 2
diabetes in adults. Semglee is the second "follow-on"
insulin glargine product to become available in
the US; Basaglar, which is also similar to Lantus, was
the first. Lantus is a recombinant analog of human
insulin that forms microprecipitates in subcutaneous
tissue, prolonging its duration of action to a mean of
about 24 hours with no pronounced peak effect.
In Brief: Semglee - Insulin Glargine Interchangeable with Lantus
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Oct 04, 2021 (Issue 1634)
In Brief: Semglee - Insulin Glargine Interchangeable with Lantus ...
Insulin glargine-yfgn (Semglee – Viatris), a follow-on
insulin glargine product, has now received
interchangeability status with the reference product
Lantus from the FDA. It is the first biosimilar insulin
product to receive this designation in the US. Now a
pharmacist can substitute Semglee for Lantus as a
lower-cost alternative without permission from the
In Brief: Rezvoglar - Another Insulin Glargine Product Interchangeable with Lantus
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Apr 03, 2023 (Issue 1673)
In Brief: Rezvoglar - Another Insulin Glargine Product Interchangeable with Lantus ...
Insulin glargine-aglr (Rezvoglar – Lilly), which was
approved by the FDA as a biosimilar to the reference
product Lantus in 2021 and received interchangeability
status with Lantus in 2022, will become available in
the US on April 1, 2023. It is the second biosimilar
insulin product to be designated as interchangeable
with Lantus; Semglee was the first. Rezvoglar did not
receive interchangeability status with Lantus at the
time of its initial approval because the manufacturer
of Semglee had exclusivity for 12 months.
Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2023 Apr 3;65(1673):56 doi:10.58347/tml.2023.1673c | Show Introduction Hide Introduction
Donislecel (Lantidra) for Type 1 Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Apr 15, 2024 (Issue 1700)
STANDARD TREATMENT ― Delivery of exogenous
insulin to maintain target glucose levels while ...
The FDA has approved donislecel-jujn (Lantidra –
CellTrans), an allogeneic pancreatic islet
cellular therapy, for use in conjunction with
immunosuppression for treatment of adults with
type 1 diabetes who are unable to approach target
HbA1c because of current repeated episodes of
severe hypoglycemia despite intensive diabetes
management and education. Donislecel is the first
cell-based treatment to be approved in the US for
type 1 diabetes.
Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2024 Apr 15;66(1700):63-4 doi:10.58347/tml.2024.1700d | Show Introduction Hide Introduction
Tirzepatide (Mounjaro) for Type 2 Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Jul 11, 2022 (Issue 1654)
at GIP and GLP-1 receptors, tirzepatide increases
insulin secretion, decreases glucagon secretion ...
The FDA has approved tirzepatide (Mounjaro –
Lilly), a peptide hormone with activity at both
glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide
(GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
receptors, to improve glycemic control in adults
with type 2 diabetes. Tirzepatide, which is injected
subcutaneously once weekly, is the first dual GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist to become available in the
US. Selective GIP receptor agonists are not available
in the US; GLP-1 receptor agonists have been
available for years.
In Brief: Merilog — A NovoLog Biosimilar
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Mar 11, 2025 (Issue 5101)
NovoLog, each in addition to long-acting insulin
glargine (Lantus). The mean decrease in A1C levels ...
The FDA has approved Merilog (Sanofi), a biosimilar to
rapid-acting insulin aspart (NovoLog), for treatment of
patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Merilog is the
first rapid-acting insulin biosimilar product to become
available in the US.
Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2025 Mar 11;67(5101):1 doi:10.58347/tml.2025.5101a | Show Introduction Hide Introduction
Drugs for Type 2 Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Nov 14, 2022 (Issue 1663)
patients require insulin for
glycemic control; insulin therapy for type 2 diabetes
was reviewed ...
Diet, exercise, and weight loss can improve glycemic
control, but almost all patients with type 2 diabetes
require antihyperglycemic drug therapy. Treating to
a target A1C of <7% while minimizing hypoglycemia
is recommended to prevent microvascular complications
of diabetes (retinopathy, nephropathy, and
neuropathy). An A1C target of <8% may be appropriate
for some older patients.
Empagliflozin (Jardiance) for Type 2 Diabetes in Children (online only)
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Aug 21, 2023 (Issue 1683)
Most patients in the trial were also taking metformin
and/or insulin. At week 26, the mean change ...
The sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2)
inhibitor empagliflozin has been available for years
alone (Jardiance – Boehringer Ingelheim) and in
combination with metformin (Synjardy) to improve
glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. Both
products have now been approved for use in children
≥10 years old. Empagliflozin is the second oral drug
to become available in the US for treatment of type
2 diabetes in children; metformin has been available
since 2000 for this indication. The injectable
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists
liraglutide (Victoza) and...
Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2023 Aug 21;65(1683):e137 doi:10.58347/tml.2023.1683e | Show Introduction Hide Introduction
Teplizumab (Tzield) to Delay Onset of Type 1 Diabetes
The Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics • Jan 09, 2023 (Issue 1667)
characterized by gradual
destruction of insulin-producing beta cells. Persons
with a first-degree relative ...
Teplizumab-mzwv (Tzield – Provention Bio), an anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, has been approved by the
FDA to delay the onset of stage 3 type 1 diabetes
in patients ≥8 years old who have stage 2 type 1
diabetes. It is the first drug to become available in the
US that delays the onset of type 1 diabetes.
Med Lett Drugs Ther. 2023 Jan 9;65(1667):7-8 doi:10.58347/tml.2023.1667c | Show Introduction Hide Introduction